15 September 2007

Now to the Theological Stuff...

So after a few days of fluffy, feel-good daily prompts and such, I'm ready to get something off my mind.

In my John class we're reading "John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist" by Warren Carter, and reading it has brought up a bit of a sore spot for me: Christological interpretation of the Old Testament. Carter states, "For John's gospel, the correct and distinctive way of interpreting [Old Testament Scriptures] is to read them in reference to Jesus." I understand that this is the way that the writer of John interpreted Scripture (which only comprised the Hebrew Bible at the time), but does that mean that the rest of us should too? Does a Christological reading (that is, reading the Old Testament looking for references to Jesus) pay proper homage to Old Testament writers and themes?

...more to come...

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